Friday, January 10, 2020

The Older you Get, The More Important Your Father will Be

The younger you are, the more you need your mother. In your younger years you are completely dependent on your mother who caters to your needs and keeps you alive because you can't do anything for yourself. Your personality goes through the majority of its formation in your first 7 years, during that time where you are being catered to During these years, you don't need the imposition of the world upon you because you are not capable of withstanding the weight of the world. Your sense of morality is as simple as avoiding pain and seeking pleasure and satisfying your bodies needs. Kids at that age need firm set limits so that they can comport themselves around other kids and with adults. But what they do not need and are not capable of seeing the full expanse of the world. During these years, dad is still important but more for pushing limits because fathers are allow kids to explore more and are less paranoid about the kid's safety. This isn't a bad thing; it's necessary for raising a kid that is socially adjusted and who is not completely stifled. 

Once you pass your formative years, kids needs to be prepared with the harshness of the world. Moms do a terrible job at this because their instinct is to protect theirs kids. Watch how the kids of single mothers are, or kids where the father was there but not much more than a piece of furniture. The kids are not well socialized, they're terrible at interacting with the opposite sex, and they lack the sense of direction to make good decisions in life. This is why fathers are so important, to shorten the time wandering the desert and to prevent young adults from destroying their futures with debt, kids they can't afford, or drugs and criminality. 

Kids need two parents: a mother and a father. 

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